Shima Hair De Beaute, Pinewood shopping Centre, 2/33 Centre Way, Mount Waverley

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Shima Hair De Beaute is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Health   Beauty salon   Hair care  


+61 3 9803 5295

Pinewood shopping Centre, 2/33 Centre Way, Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149

Establishment   Health   Beauty salon   Hair care  

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 — 18:30
Tuesday 09:30 — 18:30
Wednesday 09:30 — 18:30
Thursday: 09:30 — 20:30
Friday 09:30 — 20:30
Saturday 09:30 — 18:30


  • exe exe
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Zoii Park, best hairstylist in Melbourne, coming from the old Acqua in Glen Waverley, a lot of clients moved over to his new salon because not only does he produce a great hair cut, but a friendly service.

    my wife swears by going to him, we lost him for a while but no have found him again!

    we highly recommend him and the team at Shima.
  • Awesome Reviews
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Very disappointed with this place. They do a great job, but have no respect for their regular customers.. Came back for my usual treatment and they asked me for double the price I normally pay ($500)! When I tried to ask her why is she charging me this price, she told me that my hair has changed and is very long now. I then told her that my hair is the same texture and has always been this way (hair texture don't change that I know), and the fact that my hair is long is irrelevant as she only needs to apply the product in my roots, not the whole hair! She has always charged me $250 to apply the product in my roots and now she says it's $500. I wasn't very happy with such an exhorbitant price and when I tried to question her, she treated me with disrespect. She raised her voice, and I straight away asked her to lower her voice as I don't appreciate being talked to like that.. She continued to talk loud and told me to go do my hair somewhere else as they don't need me! I was very shocked to be treated this way after 2 years of being their customer.. They have no value and respect for their customer, and obviously don't know how to manage customer relationship! Won't ever come back to this place.. And btw, another 5 STAR salon has quoted me $180 to do my roots! Shima is only a 3.5 star salon and has asked me $500.... Unbelievable...
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Shima Hair De Beaute is based in Mount Waverley. Full address is Pinewood shopping Centre, 2/33 Centre Way. Australia postal code is 3149. We invite you to visit the official website of Shima Hair De Beaute . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 3 9803 5295 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Shima Hair De Beaute.
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